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Please make sure to read all of the following information before commissioning me, thank you :)

-I only accept Paypal (GBP) unless stated otherwise

-Please make sure to convert your currency correctly before commissioning if need be

-Be kind and respectful, if not don't expect me to accept your commission

-I will send you a sketch of the commission first, once it is confirmed you are happy with it I will ask for payment, then I will continue to complete said commission. If you are buying a sketch commission I will ask for the money first.

-You may need to be patient, I will let you know before hand but sometimes commissions can take me from a few days to a few months (mainly bigger ones), as I said I will let you know before any payment is sent if the commission will take a while

-*Clear, digital references only! If your oc has a shaded reference sheet with no flat version I will not accept the commission

-I do not offer refunds, once you have paid you will receive the commission

-Let me know if you want updates or if you want it to be a surprise

-If the design of the OC changes during the commission let me know ASAP as I may be able to alter the commission, however if I can't I will let you know.

-Feel free to tell me as much information as you want about your oc, getting to know them will help me suit the commission to them, have a fun, hyper oc? I'll make the pose much more exaggerated and bouncy, got a grumpy, cold oc? I'll draw em scowling in a closed off position, it all helps to know, even small details like favourite shows and such.

-I will happily draw gore of multiple types, multiple characters and unique species ocs 

-I will not draw NSFW, characters that are way too detailed for me (feel free to send them to check!), mecha ocs or dragons (unless stated otherwise)

-Last thing is to let me know you have read this! Feel free to ask me any other questions too, thanks for reading!


*If you are commissioning a reference sheet and don't have any digital work of the oc I will still accept the commission but only if you have the oc's colours digitally for me to use. 

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